4. My modern-day version of Edith Adelon from The Inheritance by Louisa May Alcott. (If you haven't read that book, I highly recommend it! It's very sweet.)
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1. I requested Monster by Mirriam Neal at my local library.
2. Favorite book characters...and why:
- Mr. Tilney (Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen)
- He reads novels, is witty, and is altogether charming. What's not to like?
- Anne Shirley (Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery)
- She's so unpredictably quirky and fun! The scrapes she gets into are humorous but filled with real emotion. Plus, she loves books.
- Foehn (Toxic by Vicki V. Lucas)
- Such a sweet, flawed-but-trying character. I just love him!
- Freckles (Freckles by Gene Stratton-Porter)
- He's hard working and honest, and I can't think of two better traits. Could be considered too perfect, but it's never bothered me. (I've read Freckles multiple times.)
- Klaus (A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket)
- What reader doesn't relate to an avid book lover like Klaus? I also love the relationship he has with his siblings and the way they combine their strengths to work together.
- Scout (To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)
- I love how spunky she is! She's also very realistic and her growth as a character is clear.
- Edith Adelon (The Inheritance by Louisa May Alcott)
- She's almost too perfect, but her sweet nature and kindness to everyone around her - especially considering her circumstances - won me over.

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