- Smiles
- Roads that aren't icy
- Dancing
- Good books
- Puppies
- Board games
- Card games
- Playing piano
- Kind notes
- Warm drinks
- New writing ideas
- Sweaters
- Scarves
- Encouraging readers
- Friends to vent to
- Friends to celebrate with
- Days off
- Special pens
- New publications:
My newest book: Life is Crumbly, is now available!(Big thanks to Mary MacArthur for the beautiful illustrations.)
- Learning new tips and tricks for graphic art
- Freshly whipped cream on your morning coffee...or afternoon coffee...or hot chocolate...or pie
- Laughter
- Fresh veggies
- New ways of looking at grammar
- Busy days
- Late nights
- Being productive
- Relaxing
- Time with friends
- Time with family
- Crossing things off a "to do" list
What are you celebrating today?

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