"The battle between hero and villain is one most often fought within ourselves"
This is the first in her History of Eyrthum fantasy series, and follows brothers Reinhold and Lamertyn as they learn the secrets and dangers of Eyrthum. The intensity of the details, depth of the content, beautiful wording, and realistic characters combine to make this a book that drew me in and kept my interest to the end. I can't wait to read book 2!
Note: This book is meant for ages 16+, due to thematic elements.
For a limited time, the paperback of this book will be available at the reduced price of $10.99 on Amazon and the Rivershore Books store!
Be watching in the coming weeks for the ebook! The price of the paperback will revert to $12.99 when the ebook is released.

Is there anyway I can get a copy of this book? In any form. I would like to read it.