I haven't posted on here in forever!! Life has been hectic and crazy and beautiful...I was in a fit of randomness, so I decided to do:
The Teen Girl's Daybook!!
From A Rose in Bloom
Date...5/2/10, (but technically 5/3/10) :P
Starting time...12:56 AM
Mood...Overwhelmed, tired, ecstatic
Outside my window...Is the night
I'm thinking...Will I get any sleep to night?
I'm reading...Arcadia-a play by Tom Stoppard-it's phenomenal.
I'm listening to...Love You All, by Cloud Cult-amazingly cosmic song. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6Nt58ismiQ&feature=PlayList&p=E55EA6C859995907&playnext_from=PL&index=1&playnext=2
I'm wearing... Long dark blue shirt with flutter sleeves and ruffles and sequins at the square collar, and jeans
Yesterday, I...saw two shows, potlucked-it-up, and smiled and giggled all day
I'm excited for...SATURDAY!!! And for my sister to come home from college, definitely. :)
I'm sad because...I'm not sleeping
I'm hungry for...Nothing, which is unusual...
The song stuck inside my head is..."Some Things are Meant to Be" from Little Women the Broadway musical, which is a beautiful show and a beautiful song-check it out! :D
I want...to be able to wake up at 4:30...
I love... EVERYTHING! :)
I loathe...rubber snakes. :P
This week, my goal is...To get my essay done for an honors program application, to stay caught up with e-mails/other random correspondence, to get my essay done for English, and to retain my sanity. :)
Did I meet last week's goal?...Definitely. (My goal last week was just to choose a college.) :)
Ending time...1:02 AM

Calvin and Hobbes has been a happiness of mine recently. :)
I love the cartoon!